Click the tabs for more information and staff members!

Bethlehem Church is committed to providing pastoral service to the body of Christ and the communities it serves.
You will experience inspiring messages that will draw you closer in your relationship with Jesus and will be challenged to become involved in various areas of ministry, identifying and utilizing your spiritual gifts that God will use to build up the church.
Our pastoral ministry includes servant leadership including visits with the infirmed in the community and area hospitals and care facilities who are unable to attend church services regularly.
Our Senior Pastor Tim Heath interacts with all age groups, from the youngest to the oldest. You will be welcomed and encouraged to join the fellowship and become involved in God's work.
Senior Pastor Tim Heath and his wife Gail began their role in ministry at Bethlehem on
6-19-16. God is at work as we actively seek God's leadership and direction and remain obedient to the call to accomplish the mission and purpose that God has called us to.

The Nursery Ministry is dedicated to providing loving care to your infants and toddlers during functions on our campus. Our desire is to provide a service to the parents of small children so they can participate in other ministries and outreach functions without the worry of arranging for child care during that time.
While in the care of our Nursery staff, your children will receive loving care and and exposure to brief sessions of teaching and videos that are designed to captivate them with stories from the Bible and character building principles.
Nursery Coordinator: Angie Williams
Angie Williams currently serves as coordinator for the Nursery Ministry. Her team of teachers and helpers welcome the opportunity to serve and nurture your children during functions at our facilities.
Nursery Coordinator/Teacher: Angie Williams
Nursery Asst. Coordinator/Teacher: Gracelyn Fountain
Our Sunday School hour begins at 10:00 am on Sunday morning. Classes provide an opportunity for young and old alike to learn and share God's Word from Genesis through Revelation. The setting in each classroom is designed for the particular age group so the students and teachers are in an environment that will foster attention to God's Word which is presented with age based curriculum.
Breakfast is served in the Word Cafe (Family Life Center Lobby) each Sunday morning from (9:00 to 9:45 am.
We extend a welcome to you and would like to see you in Sunday School each week!
Christian Education Director: David Peck
Assistant Christian Education Director: Tiffany Peck
Nursery Sunday School Class: Susan Fountain, Kindall Brooks, Amy Brown
Pre K through 1st grade: Rosa Craft, Diane Dail, & Frances Brown
2nd to 4th grade: Frances Murphy
5th grade and up: David Peck
Adult: Rotation of teachers as study changes

Rooted is a small group ministry of Bethlehem Church.
Small group Bible studies are scheduled periodically throughout the year.
The Youth Ministry is generally divided into three groups to more appropriately address the needs of specific age groups. At times all groups may meet together to participate in joint activities that may include their parents as well.
The Youth Groups meet weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Learning Center.
Activities designed to teach Biblical truths are prepared which challenge our youth to be more than hearers of the Word but to get out and do it. Opportunities are offered for the youth to participate in outreach in the community and surrounding areas.
Youth Ministries Director: Sarah Turner
Sarah Turner serves as coordinator of the activities for the Youth Department at Bethlehem Church. She, along with staff, carefully prepare Wednesday night activities that teach putting God's Word into action in their individual lives and as a group, reaching outside the church into the surrounding communities to touch those in need of the Savior.
Assistant Youth Director: Seth Turner
Seth Turner serves as Assistant Director at Bethlehem FWB Church.
The Ladies' Auxiliary meets on the second Monday each month at 7:00 PM.
Our ladies respond graciously to various needs in the church and community and prepare and serve meals to bereaved families whose loved one has passed away.
Ladies are invited to attend and become a part of the ladies' ministry at Bethlehem.
President - Elvis Fountain
Vice President - Zelma Martin
Secretary - Mary Hudson
Program Chariman - Carol Madigan
Benevolent Committee - Mary Hudson & Zelma Martin
Our Senior Fellowship Ministry meets monthly on the fourth Thursday at 6:00 PM in the Family Life Center.
Following the meal, a speaker shares from God's Word and special music is provided.
At Bethlehem, our Seniors are not considered too old to be involved. We rely on them as mentors, counselors, encouragers, and prayer warriors for the younger generations who carry on the various ministries.
Senior adults are invited to attend and become a part of this ministry.
Senior Ministry Director: Ricky Dempsey
Assistant:Susan Dempsey
Assistant:Rosa Craft
Assistant: Rita Fountain
The Deacons meet monthly on the first Thursday of each month for prayer and to review and respond to benevolent needs within the church membership and the surrounding communities.
Please inform one of the deacons if you become aware of a benevolent need that should be addressed or if you or a family member is sick, hospitalized, or have any visitation needs.
Stanley Craft - Chairman
669 Cypress Creek Rd.
Richlands, N. C. 28574
910-324-5915 home
910-330-0607 cell
John Grayson Craft
708 Cypress Creek Rd.
Richlands, NC 28574
Byron Fountain
168 Cyrus Futrell Rd
Chinqupain, N. C. 28521
910-389-4078 cell
Vince Brooks
209 Scout Lane
Chinquapin, NC 28521
Charles Fountain
2974 Catherine Lake Rd.
Richlands, NC 28574
Vernie Fountain
205 Cyrus Futrell Rd.
Chinquapin, NC 28521
910-389-3854 cell
Jan Jones
2081 S NC 111 Hwy.
Chinquapin, NC 28521
910-324-5937 home
910-260-0237 cell
Randy Williams
Fountaintown Rd.
Chinquapin, NC 28521
The Bethlehem Music & Media Ministry is comprised of:
1. Bethlehem Adult Choir
2. Bethlehem Youth Choir (occasionally)
3. Bethlehem Ensembles
4. Narrators, Vocalists - Solists, Duets, Quartets
5. Instrumentalists
6. Media - Sound, Video, Light, Website Technicians
7. Worship Leaders and Directors
8. Invited Groups and Vocalists (occasionally)
9. Recorded media delivery to shut ins when requested.
10. Website technicians.
The Music and Media Ministry Team is committed to the mission and purpose of Bethlehem Church and strives to meet the challenge by:
Selecting music and media with words and themes that direct one to reflect personally on their relationship with God, their sin and their need for a Savior, the redemptive work of Christ, His victory over death and His resurrection and ascension into Heaven where He prepares for our meeting in eternity.
Encouraging team membership in maintaining a winsome personal witness wherever they go that fosters opportunities to share and explain God’s grace and mercy to anyone who is searching and in need of the Savior.
Identifying, soliciting and encouraging those within the body who are gifted with musical and technical gifts to actively participate by offering their gift back to the Lord for the edification of the body.
Expanding the work beyond the walls of the auditorium by:
1. Live streaming worship services on FaceBook and YouTube; making available and delivering audio and/or video recordings of each worship service when requested; and preparing works for presentation in other venues.
2. Occasionally offering opportunity for other area church choir members to join in fellowship to participate in seasonal projects. (Crossroads Fellowship Community Choir)
3. Preparing ensembles, quartets, duets, soloists to be available to respond to invitations to minister locally and the surrounding communities.
Offering opportunities for the team’s spiritual, musical, and technical development.
Maintaining personal accountability in the team for being personally and jointly prepared spiritually, musically and technically to the best of our ability.
Bringing Honor & Glory to God – Worshiping
Our main purpose is not to entertain or display individual or choral talent. It is the blending of many talents for communicating spiritual truths through the medium of music and providing inspiration, warmth, and unity to a service which results in praise and worship of Almighty God, while avoiding attracting attention to ourselves.
Pianist: Susan Fountain
Pianist: Gail Heath
Choir Director/Media Coordinator: Vernie Fountain
Sound & Video Technician: Byron Fountain
Sound & Video Technician: Danny Walton
Sound & Video Technician: Luke Fountain
Sound & Video Technician: Levi Fountain
The Trustee Ministry serves the Church body with efficient and effective management and maintenance of the church buildings and property. Your input and suggestions for any improvements or safety concerns are appreciated. Contact Trustee Chairman Danny Walton with your comments.
Trustee Chairman: Danny Walton
Trustee: John Grayson Craft
Trustee: Stanley Craft
Trustee: Bobby Murphy
Our Ushers welcome the opportunity to greet you as you arrive and assist with accessing the premises. They will be happy to assist you in locating various functions on campus. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance when needed. We are happy to serve.
Nathan Brown - Chairman
Vince Brooks
Gabriel Fountain
John Johnson
Shawn Nason
Tim Raynor
Bradley Thigpen
Phil Thigpen
Seth Turner
VBS Director: Diane Dail
Diane Dail serves as Director of our Vacation Bible School program. Over the years, she has selected excellent programs, assembled and coordinated the necessary staffing which results in effective outreach and ministry to the youth of our church and the surrounding communities.
Pastor: Rev. Tim Heath
Clerk: Gail Walton
Asst Clerk: Carol Madigan
Treasurer: Rita Fountain
Asst. Treasurer: Frances Brown
Youth Director: Sarah Turner
Asst. Youth Director: Seth Turner
Sunday School Superintendent: David Peck
Asst. Sunday School Superintendent: Tiffany Peck
Nursery Coordinator: Angie Williams
Asst. Nursery Coordinator: Gracelyn Fountain
Children's Church Director: Kendall Brooks
Senior Fellowship Ministry Director: Ricky Dempsey
VBS Director :Diane Dail
Board of Trustees
Chair: Danny Walton
Trustee: Stanley Craft
Trustee: John Grayson Craft
Board of Finance
Chair: Rita Fountain
Boardmember: Danny Walton
Boardmember: Caron Fountain
Boardmember: Vernie Fountain
Board of Deacons
Chair Stanley Craft
Deacon: John Grayson Craft
Deacon: Byron Fountain
Deacon: Charles Fountain
Deacon: Vernie Fountain
Deacon: Jan Jones
Deacon: Vince Brooks
Deacon: Randy Williams
Board of Ushers
Chairman: Nathan Brown
Usher: Vince Brooks
Usher: John G. Craft
Usher: Jonathon Dempsey
Usher: Gabriel Fountain
Usher: John Johnson
Usher: Shawn Nason
Usher: Tim Raynor
Usher: Bradley Thigpen
Usher: Phil Thigpen
Usher: Seth Turner
Usher: Danny Walton
Publicity Committee
Diane Dail
Tiffany Peck
Worship Leaders
Choir Director: Vernie Fountain
Pianist: Susan Fountain
Pianist: Gail Heath
Pianist: Lori Price
Nominating Committee
Stanley Craft
Nathan Brown
Elvis Fountain
David Peck
Caron Fountain
General Board
Pastor: Rev. Tim Heath
Clerk: Gail Walton
Treasurer: Rita Fountain
Youth Ministries Director: Sarah Turner
Nursery Coordinator: Angie Williams
Sunday School Superintendent: David Peck
VBS Director: Diane Dail
Children's Church Director: Kendall Brooks
Music/Media Ministry Director: Vernie Fountain
Senior Fellowship Director: Ricky Dempsey
Deacon Chairman: Stanley Craft
Trustee Chairman: Danny Walton
Usher Chairman: Nathan Brown
Finance Board Director: Rita Fountain
Women's Auxiliary President: Elvis Fountain
Children's Church Ministry
Director: Kendall Brooks
Assistants: Caron Fountain
Ashlea Jones
Sarah Madigan
Prayer Chain Director
Elvis Fountain
Library/Resource Center
Director: Diane Dail
Senior Ministry
Chair: Ricky Dempsey
Asst. Chair: Susan Dempsey
Rosa Craft
Rita Fountain
If you do not have a church home, we invite you to consider joining our ministry and fellowship.
We encourage active participation and involvement in various ministries and are always looking for God to raise up leaders for ministries to reach and serve the surrounding communities and beyond as God leads.